What is the most useless job you can think of?

What is the most useless job you can think of? by Delaney Natale

Answer by Delaney Natale:

The lifeguard at the swimming Olympics.

These guys are professional swimmers, the best in the world. Still, there's always a chance something could go wrong, and if you didn't have a lifeguard for that one incident that something happens… well, it probably wouldn't turn out well.

I see the point in it, but it has to be awfully boring.

And useless.

Edit: Please don’t tell me in the comments that there’s a reason for it. I pointed out clearly in this answer that I know there’s always a chance something will go wrong. I was only stating that it’s extremely unlikely. I’m aware that anything could happen.

Edit 2: People don't seem to care about what I said before about understanding the lifeguard's purpose. Comments disabled.

What is the most useless job you can think of?

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