Am I allowed to walk around the UK with a dummy gun?

Am I allowed to walk around the UK with a dummy gun? by Philip Nunn

Answer by Philip Nunn:

Let me tell you a story…

About 22 years ago I was with some friends in our local city. One of my friends bought an Airsoft BB pistol which was a fairly good replica of a Sig Sauer pistol. You really couldn’t tell the difference until you got close.

Back at the car my friend decided to take the pistol out of the box to look at it.

Four hours later we were driving through my town, about 20 miles away from the city, on the way to the pub. Suddenly 2 police cars appeared, blocked us in and forced us to pull over. A third car shot up alongside and 2 armed officers ran out with their pistols pointed at us. Remember that this is England. We are not used to seeing armed police or any kind of drama like this. We were scared to say the least. New pants were needed.

To cut a long story short somebody had seen my friend handling a gun in the car and had called the police. The police had then spent the next 4 hours driving around trying to find the bunch of armed bandits fearing some kind of shootout.

One by one we were taken out of the car, searched and cuffed. We explained to the police what had happened and even showed them the BB gun. They laughed so much that one of them had to sit down.

They un-cuffed us, warned us about waving replica guns around in public and then let us go. Really nice guys.

Am I allowed to walk around the UK with a dummy gun?

What are five odd or generally unknown facts about outer space?

What are five odd or generally unknown facts about outer space? by Richard Muller

Answer by Richard Muller:

Space has a temperature, 2.7 degrees C above absolute zero. Anything colder than that will be warmed by the microwave bath. These microwaves pervade space; there is no place that is empty. (Of course, this is based on our current understanding, not on distant measurements!) The density of microwave photons is about 10 million per cubic centimeter. That is everywhere in the universe. They are remnants from the hot big bang.

What are five odd or generally unknown facts about outer space?