Can hard work beat intelligence?

Can hard work beat intelligence? by Richard Muller

Answer by Richard Muller:

Can hard work beat intelligence? Always!

“Intelligence” measured by IQ is a ridiculously over-rated parameter. I’m constantly meeting people who are clearly more intelligent than I am (in the IQ sense) who have had frustrating and non-productive lives.

Off the top of my memory, I can’t think of a single highly-intelligent individual who was successful without very hard work. And I can think of many who would score low on a standard IQ test who have been very successful.

IQ measures a very narrow form of ability, typically the ability to think abstractly and solve abstract problems. Of course, there are many other forms of intelligence too: intelligence in evaluating people; intelligence in music; intelligence in understanding complexity; real-time intelligence (used in video games and fast-action sports). Most of these are ignored by the usual IQ test.

But few people have multi-dimensional intelligence, and they must make up for that by hard work. By hard work I don’t mean putting in lots of hours. I mean using your intelligence (yet another kind!) to organize and run your life.

The most productive people in the world combine multi-dimensional intelligence (abstract, people, complex data, real-time) with very hard work.

Can hard work beat intelligence?

How can I make myself better each day?

How can I make myself better each day? by Rachel Chang

Answer by Rachel Chang:

  1. Have more sex/masturbate – Sex relieves stress and burns calories. You also form a bond with your partner and keep the relationship fun and interesting. Masturbating helps relieve stress and feels good.
  2. Worry less – stop worrying about all the things you don’t have total control over and things that you couldn’t go back to fix. Am I gonna get a job? Why did she leave me? Am I going to get a raise this year? Will I win the lottery? Is he going to call back? Why can’t I be taller? Why is my friend’s husband richer? I wish I had studied x instead of y. Why isn’t my coffee perfect? Cut that crap.
  3. Focus on what you can do/improve – What skills can I learn to improve my career prospects? I am going to exercise and eat healthy for a better health and look. I am interested in doing my own startup. I’d better go to the networking event to talk to real startup founders. I spent too much money on buying crap. I’m going to organize my spending by downloading this new app.
  4. Don’t be too harsh on yourself — you are already good the way you are. Don’t compare yourself with others. Everyone is different and seriously you don’t know what’s under Mr and Ms perfect’s smile. Everyone has his/her own problems, rich or poor, pretty or ugly.

Dont forget to treat yourself today 🙂

How can I make myself better each day?

How can I change my life completely in the next 30 days?

How can I change my life completely in the next 30 days? by @lukominskiy

Answer by Max Lukominskyi:

Go Offline. First and foremost, forget about social media for a month. You will instantly notice how longer your day can be without it. This will let you literally  maximize your time. Now your task is to use that time properly.

Define Your Goals. Clarity does really matter. Before committing to certain things take some time to define your core aspirations in life. Imagine yourself a few decades older and visualize what kind of person you would like to be.

Develop A Habit To Think. Dedicate at least 15 minutes per day to thinking. Spend this time considering the main issues of your life. Plan and prioritize your further steps. Think over your ideas.

Analyze Your Day. Before going to bed, spend 10 minutes analyzing your day. Consider what things you managed to do well and what mistakes you made. This simple practice will help you transform your approach to daily routine.

Expand Your Comfort Zone. There is nothing new in your comfort zone. All the opportunities for growth is beyond it. Be bold enough to face your fears and enter your discomfort zone.

Learn. Knowledge is crucial. Therefore if you are not willing to be left behind, you should stay in constant learning mode. Read smart books, take part in online courses,  improve your knowledge and skills.

Stop Doubting Your Strengths. In order to change your life completely, you have to remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Take opportunities your life provides you with and win!

Subscribe to my site Perfect Impulse for more handpicked thoughts on self-improvement, motivation and productivity.

How can I change my life completely in the next 30 days?

What are some confidence hacks?

What are some confidence hacks? by @AldenTans

Answer by Alden Tan:

Know this now and forever: Nobody gives a flying fuck about you.

Everybody has their own problems.

Nobody has a special agenda against you, meaning they don’t spend their entire day thinking about you.

Everybody is insecure in their own way. Everyone else around you is worried about their own shit.

Everybody is the same, they’re also worried about what others think about them.

And most of all, somebody looks up to you.

Someone out there wants to be in your shoes. You just don’t see it.

You just don’t see all of this.

Keep all of this mind.

Stop worrying. Everyone is worrying.

Maybe… you should try snapping out of it and just be happy? Do your own shit and stop worrying?

Nobody cares about you.

Only you do. So do it.

Need some happiness hacks though? Get my free book here: 12 Things Happy People Don’t Give a Fuck About!

What are some confidence hacks?