Why do people praise Elon Musk so much? How is he different from other billionaires like Larry Page or Steve Jobs?

Why do people praise Elon Musk so much? How is he different from other billionaires like Larry Page or … by @ionmas_

Answer by Masrur Ahmed:

He single handedly does things.

Hear me out.

Elon Musk plays his own game, his own way.

He has a stellar brain, Silicon Valley startups and lots of money. Thus, the media loves him.

Boo hoo.

It is the behind the scenes of these vague terms that makes him unique. The things the media doesn't care about.

1. His brain is super-human. They say he can predict the physics behind certain situations. He can take a look at a car crash and some how estimate things like momentum! He drills his employees until he knows everything they know. If you write code that is good but not as short as it could be, he used to go and redo it. Back at PayPal/X.com, people would often come back to work to see everything done over. The example go on. How is this relevant? Well, he holds every worker in comparison to himself. That is why SpaceX and Tesla have the highest level of stress among any other major Tech company!

2. Tesla and SpaceX. What are their goals? To make money? No! You don't start a electric car company for profit. Better yet, WHY WOULD YOU EVER GO AGAINST NASA! It's a billion dollar organization. But Musk did just that. Rockets can now land on land and water. These rockets are also MUCH, MUCH cheaper! Projects like the dragon also make transferring good cheaper! He is currently working on project to have satellites orbit the earth. These satellites provide FREE WIFI to all of EARTH…and some day, other planets! Thus, Mars is closer than ever. Electric luxury cars are great but it's the 300k Model 3's sold that matter. He knew that other car company's wouldn't be able to keep up so he made competition easy by opening all of Tesla's patents! That defies start up physics. Changing the world is rough, but it is also respected.

3. The greatest part of all is that he doesn't care for his Net Worth. WHAT? No way right! Back is 2008, both Tesla and SpaceX were about to go out of business. Heck, Google was a few days away from buying Tesla. Elon choose to take all his money (180 million earned from PayPal acquisition) and invest half into a dying Tesla. The other half into a dying SpaceX. He literally sold his house and lived with Larry Page and in random apartments! Later, we may consider that the wisest investment of the century. Something tells me if Tesla started struggling again, he would drop his 10 billion any day for the sake the company surviving. All in all, he defies rich people physics.

How many rules has he broken. A lot.

That is what makes him unique and fun to talk about. Thus, I'm writing this post.


Why do people praise Elon Musk so much? How is he different from other billionaires like Larry Page or Steve Jobs?

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