Why didn’t people appreciate Adolf Hitler’s art?

Why didn't people appreciate Adolf Hitler's art? by Rei Houghton

Answer by Rei Houghton:

I actually totally dig Hitlers work. You can totally see his skills developing, as some of his early work has an undeveloped style and lacks a lot of depth. I am speaking strictly of his architectural landscapes. He never quite had exceptional skill for figures, perhaps because he lacked an ability to emotionally connect with his subjects.

Check it out:


Huge improvement here, but some of the shadows seem a little off, especially in the foreground.

Ok. Now I am impressed.

I also want to point out that Hitler was using watercolors, which are notoriously difficult to achieve such blending and detail in.

People don’t appreciate Hitler’s art work in modern times because.. well he is Hitler.

Some sweet elderly woman could have shown you those and said her grandson painted them, and you would be thoroughly impressed. But if she said Hitler painted them? Totally different feeling.

The story behind the painting will always color your perception of it. If someone said a painting was the last reflection of a dying woman on the beauty of the world, you would have much deeper appreciation for it, even if it was just a few squiggly lines.

If someone says a painting was the work of the most hated man in all of history who was rejected from art school, that will alter your perception of it as well.

Now, as for why Hitler’s art was not appreciated by his contemporaries, check out this answer:

David R. Carpenter's answer to Why was Adolf Hitler rejected from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna?

Why didn't people appreciate Adolf Hitler's art?

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